What’s My Niche Again?

I was reading something the other day about niches; do I have one and do I want one? And it got me thinking, what is my niche? I'm a photographer, yes but of what? I thought to myself, I need to be more decisive about the direction I want to go in and find my... Continue Reading →


First time blogger…

G Snaps.

Hi everybody,

I have actually had this WordPress account for a while now with the intention of, at
some point, writing blogs. I’ve never quite known what it would be I would write about, I just wanted to blog. Asking people on Reddit, “where do you start as a beginner blogger”. But rightly so, a few responded with the, “you shouldn’t just start blogging because you want to, you should blogging because there’s something that you want to share or write about” answer. And of course that makes perfect sense.

I then didn’t bother with WordPress at all and just carried on with life. Playing football at the weekends, getting a few rounds of golf in through the week, taking the camera out and taking some snaps etc. It’s only recently it clicked with me. Sports/wildlife photography. Sports, wildlife and photography are three things that I am very much interested…

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Sometimes It Is Just Black & White…

I love the beauty in a black and white image. You can take something rather flat and mundane and make it extraordinary. All it takes is some brilliant highlights and deep shadows..... So firstly you can see the original and somewhat uninteresting image. You can see exactly what it is, what colours are used to... Continue Reading →

When The Sun Is Shining…

So what do you do when the sun is shining and the temperature is rising? You get your two-nager and your trusty old camera and head off to your parents. I know, I'm living the high life! It's been some time since me and the Nikon have had an outing and after starting this blog,... Continue Reading →

Teenage Choices…

At the tender, impressionable age of 16, I had to make choices as all teenagers have to make. It was the end of secondary school and the beginning of what was a very daunting but extremely exciting time; college! I had to choose what courses I wanted to do and at that time I didn't... Continue Reading →

First Time Blogger…

So this is exactly as it states, my first time blogging. I do feel like a fish out of water, but I'm in need of doing something for myself and this seemed the best choice for a stay at home mum, like myself. My days are filled with looking after my daughter, and believe me,... Continue Reading →

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