When The Sun Is Shining…

So what do you do when the sun is shining and the temperature is rising? You get your two-nager and your trusty old camera and head off to your parents. I know, I’m living the high life!

It’s been some time since me and the Nikon have had an outing and after starting this blog, I thought I best give it some love, it has been over a month! My iPhone is no longer up to scratch outside in the sunshine (no anti-glare, the worst possible scenario for a trigger happy girl like me) and when the sun is shining, all I want to do is snap beautiful things. It’s a compulsion, I can’t help it, I need to snap; immortalise those moments for forever!

So out came the Nikon…

Soon as I get to my parents, my trigger finger is twitching and I’m aching to get in the garden and take some pictures of all the beautiful flowers, blossoming and beaming in the sun light!

Matilda; my two-nager, runs off into the garden, beckoning her nana, yellowing at the top of lungs, ‘Nannie, get outside!’ Giving me the perfect opportunity to reach inside the ‘Shimmer & Shine’ bag for my camera and join them in the garden and relieve that twitch!

IMG_3188This is my ‘Two-nager’ but she also goes by Tilly. Don’t let her angelicness fool you….

Far too many flowers to pick, let alone name. I’m not at all green-fingered like my dad, I’ve pretty much killed every plant I’ve owned! But gardening seems to be my dad’s passion. He’s always out, tinkering with his plants, building things, such as his greenhouse which turned into a summer house, but that’s a whole ‘nother story. His garden is filled with so much vibrancy and life and I think it would be rude of me not to share just a little bit of the garden…

IMG_3181Aquilegia..who knew, I knew Latin! Google is great for everything, well that and my dad obviously told me!

IMG_3185This one I have no clue as to what it is, but I’m going to hazard a guess at a Tulip. Yeah should of asked my dad about that one!

IMG_3186Now these I know, they’re Pansies which I’m rather aptly calling, ‘Pokemon Pansies’.

IMG_3183Ahh…Forget-me-nots, possibly the most adorable of flowers and my dad’s garden is awash with them.

With my dad’s garden being abundant in flowers and plants of all shapes and sizes, it has masses of birds flocking in, day in, day out, but my dad has made friends with a family of Robins.

They’re nesting or should I say were nesting, in my dad’s garage and had two adorable little chicks. So my dad took it upon himself to treat them a little, they are a growing family after all. He purposely went out to a tackle shop and got a box full of maggots! Yuck…

Mr & Mrs Robin, would take it in turns to come take some maggots from the container and fly them back to the nest for their two, greedy chicks.

This became a regular occurrence and the Robins realised my dad was their meal ticket. They got brave, even once following my dad into the kitchen, waiting for him to reach into the fridge for the container, filled with their tasty, wriggly treats.

So with the offer of fresh maggots on the table, I was able to capture a couple of cheeky snaps, whilst they waited to swoop down on their prey!

IMG_3189Mr, or Mrs Robin, just casually people watching…

IMG_3187Again not too sure on gender, but in this day and age, does it really matter….you can be whoever you want to be!

So there’s just some of the pics I got whilst chilling in my parents back garden, drinking a lager shandy, ’cause that’s how I roll!!

Yup, I’m so not down with the kids….

Jem x

25 thoughts on “When The Sun Is Shining…

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    1. It’s quite therapeutic. Just trying to find my writing style but I’m sure that will evolve in time, just like my pictures. As well as what my blog is still really about! 😂


  1. I love these photos! You are brilliant!

    Especially the robin! I really like them, but for me, robins always pose just long enough for me to reach for my bag, but they flit off before I can actually take a photo!! I am sure they just like to tease! Do you have a good zoom? Or did you actually manage to stealthily get close to him/her without her flying off!?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s a family of them in my dad’s garden and he feeds them daily, so they’re quite accepting of us. You still have to be quick but I’ve learnt to put the container of maggots close to where I want them to go and sit around ready to get that awesome shot!! Think I took over a dozen of them before I got those 2 shots 😊

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